Monday, December 03, 2007

Still Snowing

It is still snowing here tonight. I am guessing it started around 3:00 or 4:00 AM based on the amount on the ground when we woke up. That means it's been snowing 14 or 15 hours. Nonstop. It varies in intensity but has not stopped all day. According to the forecast, it is supposed to continue through tomorrow or tomorrow night. I am starting to think there will be no school again tomorrow - or at least a delay. We shall see what the morning brings.

Speaking of no school, we had a very stress-free day here which was quite lovely. I managed to get quite a bit of work done; The Captain helped me shovel the deck and part of the dog pen and we took the two big dogs outside to play - our hound dog LOVES the snow!; the kids wrapped their presents for The Postman; they made ornaments for their teachers and grandparents (involving putting paint into clear glass ball ornaments and swirling it around to get a sort of tie dye effect); they baked a treat in The Diva's Ea*sy Ba*ke Oven; they watched Spider*man 3 (while I worked); and now they are watching Ru*dolph's Shiny New Year. It was so nice to have a day together without them being at each other's throats every 5 minutes.

Now I must go because one of my favorite Christmas shows is on: The Year With*out a San*ta Claus. Those little heat misers crack me up every year.

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