Monday, December 10, 2007

12 Years Old

The Diva is 12 years old today. One more year until she's a teenager.

On a snowy Sunday afternoon in 1995 at 1:51 in the afternoon, my little girl entered the world. I did not see her for several hours since I was completely knocked out for a semi-emergency c-section after almost 46 hours of induced labor. That's not a typo - 46 hours. When I did finally see her I remember saying "This is the first person I've ever met who is truly related to me!" (I'm adopted).

We went home 3 days later...and two days after that she was back in the hospital due to dehydration. It was, and remains, the worst day of my life. Holding her little body on a gurney in the hospital while attempt after attempt was made to get a needle into her tiny, dehydrated veins. I was so upset that I had to step away after several attempts and let her father hold her for a bit. I remember at least 4 different people trying...and then hearing them say if they did not succeed with one more attempt, they would have to try her little head. Thankfully, the last attempt was successful...the needle was in and fluids were running into her tiny little body. They wrapped her arm in a splint to keep the needle in place. We had a fantastic pediatrician who ran test after test. Finally he came to us and said "Your little girl is perfectly healthy - she's just too stubborn to eat!" Here we are 12 years later, and she's as stubborn as that day!

The picture is of her with her new hunt cap. And one of her purple frosted purple cake.

Happy Birthday, Miss Thing! I love you!

A little girl is sugar and spice and everything nice - especially when she's taking a nap. ~Author Unknown

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