Sunday, July 23, 2006

Smarty Pants Mom

Nothing like a little quiz to enlighten a Sunday morning: Are You a Slacker Mom?

Your quiz results make you a Smarty Pants Mom. Smart parents like you have smart kids. They need plenty of intellectual stimulation and you provide them with all they need, plus lots of love. You know how to help them with algebra homework, and you are superior at kissing boo-boos.

I can't wait to tell The Diva that I'm a Smarty Pants Mom! I think I'll follow it up with "Neener, neener! Told you I was smart!". I'm pretty sure when she rolls her eyes at me this time, they'll get stuck in the recesses of her head.

When The Diva was 6 she asked me how babies are made. I responded that we should take a trip to the library and pick out some books to read about the creation of life. She said she didn't want to. She wanted me to tell her in my own words. I responded again that I really thought we should read a book together. She looked me square in the eye and said "You don't know how it happens, do you?" I lost all credibilty at that exact moment.

I leave you with this:

Raising children is part joy and part guerilla warfare. ~ Ed Asner

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