Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I am SO not as cool as I thought as was

How is it that the Postman's mother - and even worse, my mother! - are hipper than I am?

My daughter and I watch Dancing With the Stars. I know it's a bit on the cheesy side, so I refer to it as one of my guilty pleasures. On the other hand, it is nice to be interested in the same show as my daughter. I can only take so much of Hannah Montana before my brain seizes up. So this dancing show we watch together. My mother, and P's mom watch it also.

Yesterday, during our 90 mile (one way) car ride, P's mom and I were talking about the show as the new season started last night. She was the first to tell me that Julianne, an adorable dancer on the show (and my favorite!), has released a song with a whole album to follow soon. How did I not know this? I proclaim to be a huge music lover, yet this little tidbit escaped me.

To make matters worse...I spoke with my mother last night and she gave me the same information. Um, what? My mother doesn't even listen to music all that much. How on earth did she know this before I did? I am such a loser.

We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. ~Japanese Proverb


tripleZmom said...

They probably have more free time than you do. At least, that's what I tell myself when my parents out-hip me.

tekfan33 said...

That's a GREAT way of looking at it, Jerseygirl!