Saturday, March 15, 2008

The one where I had a whole afternoon to myself!

The Diva has been at the barn since 8:30 this morning, the Postman worked, and the Captain has a friend over.

Do you all know what this means? Barring the occasional chore (like switching the laundry over, or stirring the meatball sauce), I have been doing nothing but surfing blogs this afternoon. ALL afternoon.

And I found some cool stuff! Like that nifty Tax Relief Swap button over there at the top right of the page. I think I linked there from here but I am not sure. Like I said, ALL afternoon. Many links. Many blogs.

Anyway, give it a click! It seems like a lot of fun. More than the anticipation of receiving something in the mail, I LOVE the idea of coming up with a little care package to send off!

Happy Saturday!

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. ~Bill Watterson

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