Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Another year

I am another year older. It actually happened a few days ago. I don't know how I feel about getting older. I say the number in my head and it seems unbelieveable. I still feel 21...maybe 25. I still love the tattoos I got when I was younger and I still consider things like belly piercings. My daughter would probably be mortified if she knew I was considering getting my belly button pierced.

The Red Sox had their opening day at Fenway yesterday. I love when they win their home opener.

There is still, unbelievably, snow on the ground. And, another storm is predicted for tomorrow promising another 6 inches. It is mid-April, enough already!

This time of year is always difficult for me, although it usually gets easier after my birthday passes. I think the weather we are having is causing my blues to continue. The Postman and I are going away for a few days next week while the kids are with their dad. Maybe that will help bring me out of my funk.

That's all for now.

I'm going home, to the place where I belong. Where your love has always been enough for me. ~ Daughtry

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