Sunday, January 06, 2008

Are these really necessary?

Maybe it's because she's becoming more aware of her surroundings, or maybe it's because she is now 12 and thus allowed to sit in the front seat of the car. Probably a combination of the two. Anyway, the other day, The Diva spotted these on a big ol' 4x4 truck in front of us.

Her: "What is that hanging off that truck?"

Me: (having already spotted them and begun praying she doesn't ask what they are) *blink* *blink* "What?"

Her: "That thing hanging off the back of that guys truck. That! That hangy thingy!"

Me: "Look! The lights are still on the tree in the town square!"

Her: "Mom."

Me: "Okay, is supposed to be a scrotum. Do you know what a scrotum is?"

Her: "Yes. Why does he need that on his truck?"

Me: "Good question."

So now I ask...are these really necessary? Maybe I should design some sort of breast that I can put over the headlights on my little SUV.

I'm no prude, but I guess I have a problem with having to explain to my 12 year old why someone would want that hanging off the back of their vehicle. I tried to not use words like Redneck, I really did.

Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time. ~Author Unknown

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