Tuesday, March 18, 2008

And I just really can't think of a title right now...

I missed St. Paddy's Day. It really blew right by and I didn't even realize it until last night when my son told me the Leprechauns were due to visit. Yeah...a few years back, I had the BRILLIANT idea to have the Leprechauns bring them some token trinkets. We're not even Irish, so I don't know what the hell I was thinking and now I have to come up with some trinkets at 9:00PM. Luckily I had a few things stashed away for the Easter Baskets, so I used those.

The reason I am so scatter brained is because the Postman's father is in the hospital again. After being home for roughly 48 hours, we went screaming back on Sunday morning because his oxygen had dropped so low. The decision was made to transfer him to a much bigger (and thus better?) medical facility about 90 miles from here. He went Sunday night by ambulance (sirens and everything!). Each of us kids is now taking a day and driving his mom to that facility. My day was yesterday, so in all the hubbub I just forgot about the green holiday.

It's very frustrating, this medical situation. So far they can tell us what is NOT wrong. 90% chance it is not cancer. It is not pneumonia. It is not a blood clot. Dude can't breathe though. Literally...sitting up to eat dropped his oxygen so much and he got so exhausted from just the effort of bringing the food to his mouth and chewing that they took away the solids and started making him milkshakes with protein powder in them for extra calories. Was that a run on sentence right there? He is in ICU, so he is obviously being monitored very well. That is reassuring for the Postman's mom...and the rest of us, too.

Hopefully we'll get some more news soon.

Caring is the essence of nursing. ~Jean Watson

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